、成功并不像你想像的那么难并不是因为事情难我们不敢做,而是因为我们不敢做事情才难的。 1965年,一位韩国学生到剑桥大学主修心理学。在喝下午茶的时候,他...
学习日常英语口语对话的方法有很多种。最主要是你得努力学,外加勤奋和练习,最好是一对一的和英语特别棒的人交流。一定要是英语特好的人,如果你和菜鸟交流,只会让你变的更菜了,俗话说近朱者赤, 近墨者黑嘛,在这里要向大家推荐一款不仅快速而且实用的学习英语的好方法,那就是最近网上很火的睿思博英语口语教程,它能让你在最短的时间拥有最丰富的社交口语,很适合上班人士,它的核心 思想就是让你在每天的十分钟学习中,轻松掌握美国人说话习惯,100分钟以后,和美国人熟练用英语 对话,100个小时课程,就能说一口正宗的美式英语。在学习中,让你快速的掌握英语核心思维、语言沟通技巧,不管以前是什么基础,都可以说一口地道的美式英语,而且还提高了自己与他人的沟通能 力,学完至少可以说上一个小时,并且开发了学员的语言天赋,我身边用过这套教程的朋友都说不错,我也准备学习。
每日必听英语 美国口语8000句
A:good morining
B:good morning
A:long time no see,how are you recetly
B:another dollar another day.and you?
B:will you join us in the football match this arternoon?
A:i am afraid i can't because i have to finish my homework before this evening
B;what a pity...
A: yes. i have to go now.wish you enjoy yourselves this afternoon
A: a little boy named Tom
B: a sparrow 麻雀
C: a turtle 乌龟
BC:Hello Tom !
A: Hello boys !I haven't seen you for a long time 。
What are you doing?
BC: Busying !
A: Oh。I can't think 。What makes you so busy !
BC: Finding 。
B: I'm finding food to satisfy my hunger 。
C: I'm finding a new home 。
A: I can't understand ,I'm finding too, finding your answers。
B: Let me tell you 。The environment is so bad 。We all in dangers。 I can't find the natural food for me ,and I have to steal some food from huamn it's so unpalatable。
That tortoise ,his house was full of bad smell and rubbish 。The old fellow ,his friends was missing。Some of them have shut at zoo, some had been beautiful coat of noblewoman 。
A: Oh my god ! What a mess。In fact we shouldn’t do this so selfish and irresponsible 。
BC: En , yes 。
C: Maybe you will change someday 。
B: Naturally ,you may neglect it 。The nature and the ecological balance is a key point。
Just like we cant’t get rid of wind !
A: Yes , you are right 。We just like a people who is so greedy,even can’t keep。
But believe me ,human being is a kind of living things ,they has wisdom and brave to change the world ,maybe they made some mistake,but a wise man have it ,too。
Someday they will find a way to take it more retional ,they will take care of their brothers,
animals plants and all others,because they can’t leave them and live in the earth along。
B: Of course, but we all hope the day could come as soon as possible。
ABC:We must have a better tomorrow 。
、成功并不像你想像的那么难并不是因为事情难我们不敢做,而是因为我们不敢做事情才难的。 1965年,一位韩国学生到剑桥大学主修心理学。在喝下午茶的时候,他...
意外得宝 曾有愚人,生活极度贫困。他欠了别人很多债,又无力偿还。他除了逃走之外,别无它法。当他来到一个沙漠时,他意外地发现了一个装满宝贝的盒子,在盒盖之下、珍宝...
很多的,比如昂起头来真美--别看它是一条黑母牛,牛奶一样是白的。 珍妮是个总爱低着头的小女孩,她一直觉得自己长得不够漂亮。有一天,她到饰物店去买了只绿色蝴蝶...
最经典是西游记 孙悟空的故事,可以说是—个由个人奋斗失败后转向团队成功,最终实现个人价值的经典案例。 孙悟空成长的故事,告诉我们这样一个道理:当我们学会了做...