首页 - 开心笑话 > 以学习的名义,亲一个——性骚扰常见类型3


发布于:2022-06-07 作者:admin123 阅读:71

PFONT face="Times New Roman"FONT size=4LI JING/FONT/FONT/P

  PFONT face="Times New Roman"FONT size=4STRONGFONT size=6Varied behaviors不同的骚扰行为


  One of the difficulties in understanding sexual harassment is that it involves a range of behavior, and is often difficult for the recipient to describe to themselves, and to others, exactly what they are experiencing. Moreover, behavior and motives vary between individual harassers.


  PFONT face="Times New Roman"FONT size=4STRONGFONT size=5Behavioral classes性骚扰的行为分类/FONT/STRONG/FONT/FONT/P

  PFONT face="Times New Roman"FONT size=4Dzeich et al. has divided harassers into two broad classes:


  Public harassers are flagrant in their seductive or sexist attitudes towards colleagues, subordinates, students, etc.


  Private harassers carefully cultivate a restrained and respectable image on the surface, but when alone with their target, their demeanor changes completely.


  Langelan describes three different classes of harassers.


  Predatory harasser who gets sexual thrills from humiliating others. This harasser may become involved in sexual extortion, and may frequently harass just to see how targets respond—those who don't resist may even become targets for rape.


  Dominance harasser the most common type, who engages in harassing behaviour as an ego boost.


  strategic or territorial harassers who seek to maintain privilege in jobs or physical locations, for example a man's harassing female employees in a predominantly male occupation.


  PFONT face="Times New Roman"FONT size=4STRONGFONT size=5Types of harassment性骚扰的常见类型/FONT/STRONG/FONT/FONT/P

  PFONT face="Times New Roman"FONT size=4There is usually more than one type of harassing behavior present, so a single harasser will often fit more than one category. These are brief summations of each type.


  STRONG* Power-player - Legally termed "quid pro quo" harassment/STRONG, these harassers insist on sexual favors in exchange for benefits they can dispense because of their positions in hierarchies: getting or keeping a job, favorable grades, recommendations, credentials, projects, promotion, orders, and other types of opportunities.

  * STRONG权力游戏型/STRONG:法律上称为“等价交换”,这类性骚扰者凭借身居要职而掌握的利益分配权向受害人索取性交易:得到或保持一份工作,有利的评定,推荐信,出具证明,商业计划,升职,订单,以及其它机会。


  * STRONGMother/Father Figure/STRONG(a.k.a. The Counselor-Helper) - These harassers will try to create mentor-like relationships with their targets, all the while masking their sexual intentions with pretenses towards personal, professional, or academic attention.

  STRONG* 父母角色型(又称顾问——帮助者角色)/STRONG:这类性骚扰者会与目标人精心建立一种“良师益友”的关系,同时将其性意图隐藏在对目标人的私人的、职业的或学术方面的关心上。

  * STRONGOne-of-the-Gang/STRONG - harassment occurs when groups of men or women embarrass others with lewd comments, physical evaluations, or other unwanted sexual attention. Harassers may act individually in order to belong or impress the others, or groups may gang up on a particular target.

  STRONG* 集体主义型/STRONG:性骚扰可能发生在当一群男性或女性以下流评论、对别人身体的评价或其它不得体的性关注而令他人感到难堪的情形下。在性骚扰团伙中,可能是单个人跳出来实施骚扰行为,以便证明自己在群体中享有一席之地,或提升群体对自己的评价,或者整个群体共同对某个特定目标人实施性骚扰。

  *STRONGSerial Harasser/STRONG - Harassers of this type carefully build up an image so that people would find it hard to believe they would do anyone any harm. They plan their approaches carefully, and strike in private so that it is their word against that of their victims.

  STRONG* 循序渐进型/STRONG:这类性骚扰者精心打造自己的形象,给人留下不可能伤害任何人的印象,然后精心策划,并于私密场合实施性骚扰,导致人们更容易相信侵犯者的一面之词,反而怀疑受害人的控诉。

  STRONG* Groper/STRONG - Whenever the opportunity presents itself, these harassers' eyes and hands begin to wander, engaging in unwanted physical contact that may start innocuous but lead to worse.

  /FONTSTRONGFONT size=4* 猪手游走型/FONT/STRONGFONT size=4:一旦机会来临,这类骚扰者的眼睛和手就会四处游走,未经许可地触碰别人的躯体,开始可能只是无伤大雅的无意识动作,然后就会得寸进尺。

  * STRONGOpportunist/STRONG - Opportunist use physical settings and circumstances, or infrequently occurring opportunities, to mask premeditated or intentional sexual behavior towards targets. This will often involve changing the environment in order to minimize inhibitory effects of the workplace or school or taking advantage of physical tasks to 'accidentally' grope a target.

  STRONG* 把握机会型/STRONG:机会主义者以身体位置或境遇的便利,或昙花一现的机会为掩饰,对目标人进行蓄意的性骚扰。这通常包括调整工作场所或学校的环境以使目标人放松戒备,或利用一些躯体活动的项目创造机会“偶然地”触碰目标人。

  STRONGBully/STRONG - In this case, sexual harassment is used to punish the victim for some transgression, such as rejection of the harasser's interest or advances, or making the harasser feel insecure about himself or herself or his or her abilities. The bully uses sexual harassment to put the victim in his or her "proper place."

  STRONG* 打击报复型/STRONG:在这种情形中,性骚扰是对受害人拒绝顺从的惩罚,如受害人拒绝了侵犯者的纠缠,或使侵犯者对自己及其能力的信心受到了打击。侵犯者希望通过性骚扰来贬低受害人的尊严。

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  FONT size=4* STRONGConfidante/STRONG - Harassers of this type approach subordinates, or students, as equals or friends, sharing about their own life experiences and difficulties, sharing stories to win admiration and sympathy, and inviting subordinates to share theirs so as to make them feel valued and trusted. Soon these relationships move into an intimate domain.

  STRONG* 人生知己型/STRONG:此类骚扰者以平等的或朋友的身份接近下属或学生,倾诉他们(她们)个人生活的经历和困难时刻,通过讲故事赢得倾慕和同情,并邀请下属或学生也讲述自己的故事,使下属或学生感到自己有价值、被信任。随后关系就开始向亲密领域发展。

  * STRONGSituational Harasser/STRONG - Harassing behavior begins when the perpetrator endures a traumatic event (psychological), or begins to experience very stressful life situations, such as psychological or medical problems, marital problems, or divorce. The harassment will usually stop if the situation changes or the pressures are removed.

  STRONG* 困顿失常型/STRONG:一个人经历了创伤性事件(心理学意义上的),或进入高压力的生活困境,例如心理或躯体疾病,婚姻危机或离婚事件时,可能会出现性骚扰行为。这类性骚扰行为常常会随着境遇的改变或压力的解除而终止。

  STRONGPest/STRONG - This is the stereotypical "won't take 'no' for an answer" harasser who persists in hounding a target for attention and dates even after persistent rejections. This behavior is usually misguided, with no malicious intent.

  STRONG* 飞蛾扑火型/STRONG:典型的“百折不挠”的骚扰者。这类性骚扰者持续追逐目标人以求得关注并要求约会,即使目标人反复拒绝。这种人一般是误入歧途,不见得心怀恶意。

  * STRONGGreat Gallant/STRONG - This mostly verbal harassment involves excessive compliments and personal comments that focus on appearance and gender, and are out of place or embarrassing to the recipient. Such comments are sometimes accompanied by leering looks.

  STRONG* 伟大情人型/STRONG:多为口头上的性骚扰,包括过分的甜言蜜语,紧扣目标人外貌和性别的评论。生拉硬扯,过甚其词,令人难堪,言谈之间常见色迷迷的眼神。

  * STRONGIntellectual Seducer/STRONG - Most often found in educational settings, these harassers will try to use their knowledge and skills as an avenue to gain access to students, or information about students, for sexual purposes. They may require students participate in exercises or "studies" that reveal information about their sexual experiences, preferences, and habits.

  STRONG* 学术研究型/STRONG:常见于教育类场景中,这类侵犯者利用其学识、才智或学生的资料信息接近学生,以实现其性目的。他们(她们)会要求学生参加一些所谓的练习或“调查研究”,以便探知其性经验、性偏好和性习惯。

  * STRONGIncompetent/STRONG - These are socially inept individuals who desire the intimacy and the attentions of their targets, who does not reciprocate these feelings. They may display a sense of entitlement, believing their targets should feel flattered by their attentions. When rejected, this type of harasser may engage in stalking, or use bullying methods as a form of revenge.

  STRONG* 竞争失意型/STRONG:他们(她们)是适应社会的失败者,渴望得到其目标人的亲近和关注,而后者并未对这些情感做出回应。他们可能会表现出一种特权意识,认为目标人应当因为受到他们(她们)的关注而受宠若惊。如果被目标人拒绝,这类侵犯者可能转而使用潜近跟踪或打击报复的骚扰手段以泄私愤。

  * STRONGStalking/STRONG - Persistent watching, following, contacting or observing of an individual, sometimes motivated by what the stalker believes to be love, or by sexual obsession, or by anger and hostility.

  STRONG* 潜近跟踪型/STRONG:持续地观察、跟踪、联系或评论某人,其动机有时是自以为是的爱情、性迷恋、或者是愤怒和敌意。

  * STRONGUnintentional/STRONG - Acts or comments of a sexual nature, not intended to harass, can constitute sexual harassment if another person feels uncomfortable with such subjects.

  STRONG* 无心之失型/STRONG:与性有关的动作或议论,本非蓄意骚扰,但是如果对方对此感到不舒服,仍然可以构成性骚扰。/FONT/FONT/P

  PFONT face="Times New Roman" size=5STRONGSexualized environments (aka environmental harassment)


  PFONT face="Times New Roman"FONT size=4Sexualized environments are environments where obscenities, sexual joking, sexually explicit graffiti, viewing Internet pornography, sexually degrading posters and objects, etc., are common. None of these behaviors or objects may necessarily be directed at anyone in particular or intended as harassment. However, they can create an offensive environment, and one that is consistent with "hostile environment sexual harassment".


  /FONTFONT size=4STRONGFONT size=5Rituals and initiations仪式和入会式中的性骚扰/FONT


  Sexual harassment can also occur in group settings as part of rituals or ceremonies, such as when members engage newcomers in abusive or sexually explicit rites as part of hazing or initiation. While such traditions have historically remained in arenas of male bonding or female bonding, such as team sports, fraternities, and sororities, it is becoming increasingly common for girls/women's groups to engage in similar ceremonies.



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