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发布于:2022-06-09 作者:admin123 阅读:70

距 离 以 外




























  ______何安 . 赠郝宇兄





















  这句话算是赵艳给我的毕业留言了,也算是我追其近两年后对我的总结。我说我就是痞子胚,没指望哪天能变好人。我又突发奇想的说今天来之前我藏了一把刀在裤管里,准备在逼急了时行凶用 。这样一说我倒希望赵艳做出受惊状,也好让我出一口恶气。可惜这猫镇定自若将话锋一转挪到了我那封四千字的帖子上,仍是红唇微跃:你我仍算是朋友,犯不着要毕业了就给我来一张什么不再见面断交之类的陈词滥调吧。这话让我只差没气出个七窍流血,心内默念我靠靠靠靠,这两月来到底是谁不见谁!我现在都不敢相信那刻我是如何做到忍住悲愤而后还能用微笑去面对赵艳。






    After a moment's careful inspection of Morgenes, to make sure that the last speech was not just another tease, Simon at last permitted himself a shy grin. He liked being called "young hawk."


    "Very well, then. And I am sorry that I told you a lie. But if I have keen wit, why will you not show me anything important?"


    "Like what?" Morgenes asked, his smile fading.


    “Oh, I don't know. Magic... or something."


    "Magic!" Morgenes hissed. "Is that all you think about, boy? Do you think I am some hedge-wizard, some cheap-cloth court conjuror, that I should show you tricks?" Simon said nothing. "I am still angry with you for lying to me," the doctor added. "Why should I reward you?"


    "I will do any chores you want, at any hour," Simon said. "I'll even wash the ceiling."


    "Here now," Morgenes responded, "I will not be bullied. I tell you what, boy: leave off this endless fascination with magic and I will answer all your other questions for a month entire, and you shall not have to write down a one! How's that, hey?"


    Simon squinted, but said nothing.


    "Well then, I shall let you read my manuscript on the life of Prester John!" the doctor offered. "I remember you asked about that once or twice."


    Simon squinted harder. "If you'll teach me magic," he suggested, "I'll bring you one of Judith's pies every week, and a barrel of Stanshire Dark from the larder."

  Simon用力地斜着眼睛。“如果你教我魔法,”他提议,“我每个星期都给你拿一个Judith做的馅饼,还从贮藏室给你拿一桶Stanshire Dark啤酒。”

    "There now!" Morgenes barked triumphantly. "See?! Do you see, boy? So convinced are you that magical tricks will bring you power and good luck that you are quite willing to steal to bribe me into teaching you! No, Simon, I cannot make bargains with you over this."


    Simon was angry again, but took a deep breath and pinched his arm. "Why are you so set against it, Doctor?" he asked when he felt calmer. "Because I am a scullion?"


    Morgenes smiled. "Even if you still labor in the scullery, Simon-lad, you are no scullion. You are my apprentice. No, there is no deficiency in you—except for your age and immaturity. You simply do not comprehend what you are asking."


    Simon slumped onto a stool. "I don't understand," he murmured.


    "Exactly." Morgenes downed another gulp of ale. "What you call 'magic' is really only the action of things of nature, elemental forces much like fire and wind. They respond to natural laws—but those laws are very hard to leam and understand. Many may never be understood."

  “当然。” Morgenes喝下另一口酒。“你所说的‘魔法’,从真正意义上说,只是自然事物的行为,元素的力量很象火和风。它们对自然法则作出相应的反应——而这些法则非常难学,非常难懂。很多根本就不可能明白。”

    "But why don't you teach me the laws'?"


    "For the same reason I wouldn't give a burning torch to an infant sitting on a pile of straw. The infant—and no insult is meant, Simon—is not prepared for the responsibility. Only those who have studied many years in many other subjects and disciplines can begin to master the Art that fascinates you so. Even then they are not necessarily fit to wield any power." The old man drank again, wiped his lips and smiled. "By the time most of us are capable of using the Art, we are old enough to know better. It is too dangerous for the young, Simon."




    "If you say: 'But Pryrates...' I shall kick you," Morgenes said. "I told you once, he is a madman—or as good as. He sees only the power to be gained from wielding the Art, and ignores the consequences. Ask me about the consequences, Simon."


    He asked dully: "What about the con..."


    "You cannot exert force without paying for it, Simon. If you steal a pie, someone else goes hungry. If you ride a horse too fast, the horse dies. If you use the Art to open doors, Simon, you have little choice of houseguests."


    Simon, disappointed, glared around the dusty room. "Why do you have those signs painted over your door, Doctor?" he asked at last.


    "So no one else's houseguests come a-visiting me." Morgenes stooped to put his flagon down, and as he did so something gold and shining fell out of the collar of his gray robe, tumbling down to dangle swinging on its chain. The doctor seemed not to notice. "I should send you back, now. But remember this lesson, Simon, one fit for kings... or the sons of kings. Nothing is without cost. There is a price to all power, and it is not always obvious. Promise me you will remember that."

  “这样,就会没有别人家的访客会来我这里拜访。” Morgenes弯腰放下酒壶,这时候,他灰色袍子的领口,有什么金色的闪光的东西掉了出来,跌下去,坠在挂着它的项链上面,摇摆着。大夫看起来没有注意。“现在你回去吧。可是记得这个教训,Simon,它也适合国王……或王子。没有什么可以不花钱就得到的东西。所有力量的使用,都会有它的代价,而且这代价不一定总表现得那么明显。向我保证你会记得这个。”

    "I promise, Doctor." Simon, feeling the effects of the earlier crying and shouting, was as lightheaded as if he had run a race. "What is that thing?" he asked, bending forward to watch the golden object pendulum back and forth. Morgenes held it out on his palm, giving Simon a brief look.

  “我保证,大夫。” Simon,经过之前的哭泣和大叫,这个时候头晕眼花得象是他刚跑完了步。“那是个什么?”他问,向前俯下身子去看那个左右摇摆的黄金的物件。Morgenes把它放在手掌上,伸出手,让Simon匆匆看了一眼。

    "It's a feather," the doctor said shortly. As he dropped the gleaming thing back into his robe, Simon saw that the quill end of the golden feather was attached to a writing scroll carved of pearly white stone.


    "No, ifs a pen," he said wonderingly, "—a quill pen, isn't it?"


    "Very well, it's a pen." Morgenes growled. "Now if you have nothing better to do than interrogate me about my personal ornaments, be off with you! And don't forget your promise! Remember!"


    Wandering back to the servants' quarters across the hedged courtyard gardens, Simon wondered at the events of a strange morning. The doctor had found out about the letter, but didn't punish him, or throw him out, never to return. However, he had also refused to teach Simon anything about magic. And why had his assertion about the quill-pendant irritated the old man so?


    Pondering, plucking absently at the dry, unbudded rosebushes, Simon pricked his finger on a hidden thorn. Cursing, he held up his hand. The bright blood was a red bead on his fingertip, a single crimson pearl. He stuck his finger in his mouth and tasted salt.


    In the darkest part of the night, on the very cusp of All Fools' Day, a tremendous crash reverberated through the Hayholt. It rattled sleepers awake in their beds and drew a long, sympathetic hum from the dark bell clusters in Green Angel Tower.


    Some of the young priests, gleefully ignoring midnight prayers on this, their once-yearly night of freedom, were struck from their stools as they sat swilling wine and insulting Bishop Domitis; the concussive force of the blow was so great that even the drunkest felt a wave of terror run through them, as though in a deep-sunken part of themselves they had known all along that God would eventually make his displeasure felt.


    But when the ragged, startled crew milled out to the courtyard to see what had happened, shaven acolyte heads like so many pale mushrooms in the silky moonlight, there was no shape of the universal cataclysm they had all expected. Except for a few faces of other recently-wakened castle-dwellers peering curiously from the windows, the night was untroubled and clear.


    Simon was dreaming in his spare, curtained bed, nested among the treasures he had so carefully collected; in his dream he climbed a pillar of black ice, every straining inch upward eroded by a nearly identical slip backward. He clutched a parchment in his teeth, a message of some sort. At the topmost point of the cold-burning pillar was a door; in the doorway a dark presence crouched, waiting for him... waiting for the message.


    As he finally reached the threshold a hand snaked out, grasping the parchment in an inky, vaporous fist. Simon tried to slide back, to fall away, but another dark claw jabbed out from the doorway and caught his wrist. He was drawn upward toward a pair of eyes, red-bright as paired crimson holes in the belly of an infernal black oven...


    As he woke gasping from sleep he heard the sullen voices of the bells, moaning their displeasure as they descended back into cold, brooding sleep.


    Only one person in all the great castle claimed to have seen anything. Caleb the horse-boy, Shem's slow-witted assistant, had been terribly excited and unable to sleep all night. The next morning he was to be crowned King of Fools, and carried on the shoulders of the young priests as they marched through the castle singing bawdy songs and tossing oats and flower petals. They would take him to the refectory hall where he would preside over the All Fools' banquet from his mock throne built of Gleniwent river reeds.

  在这巨大的城堡里,只有一个人,声称自己看到了什么。 Caleb,在马房做事的男孩,Shem的笨笨的助手,由于极度地兴奋,整个晚上不能安睡。因为第二天早上,他会被封为愚人们的国王,被年轻神父们抗在肩头,唱着淫秽的歌,一路扔着燕麦片和花瓣,穿过城堡。他们会把他抗到餐厅,他会坐在用 Gleniwent河的芦苇做成的假的王座上,主持愚昧人节的宴会。

    Caleb had heard the great roar, he told any who would listen, but he had also heard words, a booming voice speaking a language that the stable boy could only say was "bad." He also seemed to think he had seen a great snake of fire leap from the window of Hjeldin's Tower, looping itself around the spire in flaming coils and then splintering into a shower of sparks.

  Caleb告诉听他讲这个故事的人,他听到了这巨大的碰撞声,可他也听到了说话的声音,这隆隆的声音说着一种语言,而这个马厩里干活的男孩,听不懂这种语言,只能说它很“坏”。他也觉得自己看到了一个巨大的火蛇,从 Hjeldin塔的窗户跳了出去,缠绕在塔尖上,形成燃烧的一圈圈火环,然后,裂成碎片四散开去,如同流星火雨。

    No one paid Caleb's story much heed—there was a reason the simpleminded boy had been chosen King of Fools. Also, the dawn brought something to the Hayholt that eclipsed any thunder in the night, and even the prospects of Fools' Day.


    Daylight revealed a line of clouds—rain clouds—crouching on the northern horizon like a flock of fat, gray sheep.


    "By Dror's becrimsoned mallet, Udun's one dread eye, and… and… and our Lord Usires! Something must be done!"


    Duke Isgrimnur, nearly forgetting his Aedonite piety in his wrath, brought his scarred, fur-knuckled fist down on the Great Table hard enough to make the crockery jump six feet away. His broad body swayed like an over-cargoed ship in a squall as he cast his eyes from one end of the table to the other, then brought his fist down again. A goblet teetered briefly, then surrendered to gravity.


    "Steps must be taken, sire!" he roared, and tugged angrily at his belt-length whiskers. "The Frostmarch is in a state of bedamned anarchy! While I sit here with my men like so many knots on a log, the Frostmarch Road has become a byway for bandits! And I have had no word from Elvritshalla for two months or more!" The duke blew out a great gust of air that made his mustache flutter. "My son is in dread need, and I can do nothing! Where is the High King's ward of safety, my Lord?"

  “必须要采取措施了,陛下!”他吼叫着,生气地捋着带子般长的胡须。“Frostmarch那个地方,陷入该死的政治混乱! 我和我带来的人坐在这里,就象是一根圆木上系着的结,一动也不能动,而Frostmarch路却成为了强盗出没的小道!而且,我已经有两个月甚至是两个多月都没有收到Elvritshalla领地的消息了!”公爵长长呼出一口气,使他的胡须抖动起来。“我儿子陷入了极端的危急,而我什么都做不了!我们至高的国王的手下,那些安全保卫在哪儿呢,陛下?”

    Reddening like a beet the Rimmersman dropped back into his chair, Elias raised a languid eyebrow and surveyed the other knights scattered about the circumference of the table, far outnumbered by the empty chairs between them. The torches in the wall sconces threw long wavering shadows onto the high tapestries.


    "Well, now that the aged but honorable Duke has made himself known, would anyone else like to join his suit?" Elias toyed with his own gold goblet, scuffing it along the crescent-shaped scars in the oak. "Is there anyone else who feels that the High King of Osten Ard had deserted his subjects?" At the king's right hand Guthwulf smirked.

  “现在,上年纪的可敬的公爵已经表达了他的意思,有没有别人同意他的意见?”Elias把玩着他自己的黄金的酒杯,沿着橡木桌上的新月形的疤,磨着。“是不是还有别人认为,Osten Ard大陆的至高的国王丢弃了他的下属们?”在国王的右手边坐着的Guthwulf笑了起来。

    Isgrimnur, smarting, began to climb back to his feet, but Eolair of Nad Mullach laid a restraining hand on the old duke's arm.


    "Sire," Eolair said, "neither Isgrimnur nor anyone else who has spoken is accusing you of anything." The Hernystirman placed his palms flat on the table. "What we are all saying then, is that we are asking—entreating, my lord—that you pay more heed to the problems of those of your subjects who live outside your view here at the Hayholt." Perhaps thinking his words too harsh, Eolair summoned a smile onto his mobile face. "The problems, they are there," he continued. "Outlawry is everywhere in the north and west. Starving men have few scruples, and the drought just ended has brought out the worst... in everyone."


   Elias, unspeaking, continued to stare at Eolair after the westerner had finished. Isgrimnur couldn't help noticing how pale the king looked. It reminded the older man of the time in the southern islands that he had nursed Elias' father John through a bout of fever.


    That bright eye, he thought, that nose like a hunting bird. Odd how these bits, these brief expressions and reminders, go on generation after generation—long after the man and his works are dead.


    Isgrimnur thought of Miriamele, Elias' pretty, melancholy child. He wondered what baggage of her father's she would carry on, what disparate images of her beautiful haunted mother, dead ten years now—or was it twelve?


    Across the table Elias shook his head slowly, as if waking from a dream or trying to dispel the wine fumes from his head. Isgrimnur saw Pryrates, seated at the king's left side, quickly withdraw his pale hand from Elias' sleeve. There was something abhorrent about the priest, Isgrimnur thought, not for the first time, something far deeper than merely his hairiessness and scratchy voice.

  桌子对面, Elias慢慢摇摇头,象是从梦中醒来,或是试图在驱散脑袋里的残酒。Isgrimnur看到Pryrates,坐在国王的左边,快速地从Elias的衣袖里抽出他苍白的手。这神父身上有种很可恶的东西,Isgrimnur已经不是第一次这样想了,那种可恶,深埋在这单纯的秃头、还有刺耳的声音下面。

    "Well, Count Eolair," the king said, an elusive smile briefly twitching on his lips, "as long as we are speaking of'obligations' and such, what does your kinsman King Lluth have to say about the message I sent him?" He leaned forward with apparent interest, his powerful hands folded on the table.


    Eolair replied in measured tones, choosing his words with care. "As always. Lord, he sends his respects and love to noble Erkynland. He does feel, though, that he cannot afford to send more in the way of taxes..."


    "Tribute!" snorted Guthwulf, picking his nails with a slim poniard.


    "... In the way of taxes right now," Eolair finished, ignoring the interruption.


    "Is that so?" Elias asked, and smiled again.


    "Actually, my lord," Eolair deliberately misread the smile's import, "he sent for me to ask you for royal help. You know the troubles the drought has caused, and the plague. The Erkynguard must work with us to keep the trade roads open."

  “确实如此,陛下,” Eolair故意地误解国王的笑意,“他让我寻求王室的帮助。你知道干旱所带来的麻烦,还有瘟疫。Erkynguard的卫兵必须要和我们一起合作,保持商道的畅通。”

    "Oh, they must, must they?" King Elias' eyes glinted, and a tiny throb began between the strong cords of his neck. "It is 'must' now, is it?" He leaned farther forward, shaking off Pryrates' serpent-swift restraining hand. "And who are you," he growled, "the weanling stepcousin of a sheepherder-king—who is only a king at all by my father's weak-willed forebearance!—who are you to tell me 'must'!?"


    "My Lord!" cried old Fluiren of Nabban in horror, flapping his spotted hands—mighty hands once, now bent and curled like a hawk's feet. "My Lord," he panted, "your anger is kingly, but Hernystir is a trusted ally under your father's High Ward—not to mention his country was the birth-land of your saintly mother, rest her soul! Please, sire, do not speak so of Lluth!"


    Elias swung his emerald gaze to Fluiren, and seemed about to focus his wrath on that diminished hero, but Pryrates tugged the king's dark sleeve again and leaned close to mouth a few words in Elias' ear. The king's expression softened, but the line of his jaw remained taut as a bowstring. Even the air over the table seemed pulled tight, a grinding net of awful possibility.


    "Forgive me for the unforgivable. Count Eolair," Elias said at last, a strange, stupid grin stretching the corners of his mouth wide. "Forgive me my harsh, causeless words. It has been less than a month since the rains began, and it was a difficult twelvemonth for us all before that."

  “原谅我这些不可饶恕的行为。 Eolair伯爵,”Elias 最后说,唇角扯出一个奇怪的、傻傻的笑容。“原谅我的刺耳的、无缘无故的话。现在距离下雨还不到一个月,而且之前的十二个月对我们来说都是很艰难的。”

    Eolair nodded, his clever eyes uneasy. "Of course. Highness. I understand. Please, you'll grant me your pardon for provoking you." Across the oval table Fluiren folded his mottled hands with a satisfied nod.


    Isgrimnur now rose to his feet, ponderous as a brown bear climbing an ice floe. "I, too, Sire, shall try to speak in a gentle fashion, though you all know it is clean against my soldier's nature."


    Elias' cheerful grimace remained. "Very good. Uncle Bear-skin—we will all practice gentility together. What would you of your king?"


    The Duke of Elvritshalla took a deep breath, nervously finger-tangling his beard. "Mine and Eolair's people are in dire need, Lord. For the first time since the earliest part of John Presbyter's reign, the Frostmarch Road has again become impassable—blizzards in the north, highway robbers further south. The royal North Road past Wealdhelm is not much better. We need these roads open, and kept so." Isgrimnur leaned to the side and spat on the floor. Fluiren winced. "Many of the clan-villages, according to my son Isorn's last letter, are suffering for lack of food. We cannot trade our goods, we cannot keep contact with the more remote clans."

  这Elvritshalla领地的公爵深吸一口气,紧张地用手指捋着他的胡须。“我和Eolair的人们都处在极度的危急之中,陛下。自从John长老建立统治的早期至今,这是第一次, Frostmarch路又成为了不可通行之路——北方,是一场一场的暴风雪,遥远的南方,是道路上的一群群劫匪。皇家通过Wealdhelm的北方之路,相较之下,也好不了多少。我们需要这些道路畅通,而且保持畅通。”Isgrimnur斜过身子,吐了一口吐沫。Fluiren退缩一下。“很多部落的乡村,依照我儿子Isorn最后 所说,由于食物的缺乏而深受其苦。我们不能把货物运出去和他们交易,我们不能和最近的偏远部落保持联系。”

    Guthwulf, carving at the table's edge, yawned conspicuously. Heahferth and Godwig, two younger barons wearing prominent green sashes, quietly tittered.


    "Surely, Duke," Guthwulf drawled, leaning back against the arm of his chair like a sun-warmed cat, "you don't blame us for that. Has our lord the king powers like God Almighty—to stop the snows and storms with a wave of his hand?"


    "I do not suggest that he should!" Isgrimnur rumbled.


    "Perhaps," Pryrates said from the head of the table, his wide smile strangely inappropriate, "you also blame the king for his brother's disappearance, as we have heard it rumored?"


    "Never!" Isgrimnur was genuinely shocked. Beside him Eolair narrowed his eyes, as if seeing something unexpected. "Never!" the duke repeated, looking helplessly at Elias.

  “决不会!” Isgrimnur真诚地为之震惊。他的旁边,Eolair眯起眼睛,仿佛看到了什么意想不到的事情。“决不会!”公爵重复着,求助地看着Elias。

    "Now, men, I know Isgrimnur would never think such a thing," the king said, waving a listless hand. "Why, old Uncle Bear-skin dandled both Josua and myself on his knees. I hope, of course, that Josua has suffered no harm—the fact that he has not appeared at Naglimund in all this time is troubling—but if anything foul is afoot it is not my conscience that will need soothing " But as he finished, for a moment Elias did look troubled, staring at nothing as though he wandered through a confusing memory

  “不,先生们,我知道Isgrimnur决不会有这样的想法,”国王说,淡淡地挥挥手。“为什么这么说呢,披着熊皮的老叔叔曾在膝上逗Josua和我一起玩。我希望,当然, Josua没有受到伤害——他没有回到他的领地Naglimund ,这一事实在目前这种环境中,确实是很让人担忧的——但是,如果有什么邪恶的事正在发生着,那么,并不是我的良心需要被安抚。”但是他说完的时候,有那么一会儿,Elias看上去确实心里不平静,目光呆滞,好象他正徘徊在一个混乱的记忆中。

    "Let me get back to the point. Lord," Isgrimnur said. "The northern roads are not safe, and weather is not the only factor My earls are spread too thin. We need more men—strong men to make the Frostmarch safe again. The marchland is aswann with robbers and outlaws and... and worse things, some say."

  “让我们回到重点。陛下。” Isgrimnur说。“北方的那些道路都不安全,天气并不是唯一使我的伯爵们都进展很慢的的原因。我们需要更多的人——身体强壮的人,恢复Frostmarch的路的安全。边疆地区充满了强盗、歹徒,还有……还有更糟的东西,有人说。”

    Pryrates leaned forward interestedly, chin perched on long-fingered hands like a child watching ram through a window, sunken eyes catching the torches* gleam. "What 'worse things,' noble Isgrimnur?"


    "It's not important People think… things, that is all You know how the marchdwellers are..." The Rimmersman trailed off, taking an embarrassed draft of his wine.

  “是那些平民们想的……东西,你知道,那些住在边疆的人们都……”这个 Rimmersman人说不下去了,尴尬地喝了一口酒。

    Eolair rose. "If he will not voice his thoughts, what we have heard in the markets and among the servants, I will. The northern people are afraid. There are things going about that cannot be explained by deadly weather and bad harvests In my land we do not need to name things angels or devils We of Hernystir—we of the West—know that things walk upright on this earth that are not men... and we know whether to fear them or not. We Hernystiri knew the Sithi when they still lived in our fields, when the high mountains and wide meadows of Erkynland were theirs."


    The torches were guttering now, and Eolair's high forehead and cheeks seemed to shine with a faint scarlet radiance. "We have not forgotten," he said quietly. His voice carried even to half-sleeping Godwig, who lifted his drunken head like a hound hearing a distant call. "We, the Hernystiri, remember the days of the giants, and the days of the northern curse, the White Foxes, so now we speak plainly: evil is abroad in this ill-omened winter and spring. It is not only the bandits that prey on travelers, and who cause the disappearance of isolated farmers. The people of the North are afraid.


    " 'We the Hernystiri'" Pryrates' mocking voice lanced out through the silence, skewering the spell of otherworidliness. " 'We the Hernystin.' Our noble pagan friend claims to speak plainly!" Pryrates traced an exaggerated Tree on the breast of his unpriestly red vestments. Elias' expression turned to sly good humor. "Very well!" the priest continued. "He has delivered us the plainest pack of riddles and shadow-talk I have ever heard. ' Giants and elves.'" Pryrates flicked his hand, and his sleeve fluttered above the dinner plates. "As if his majesty the king did not have enough to worry about—his brother vanished, his subjects hungry and frightened—as if even the king's great heart was not near-to-breaking' And you, Eolair, you bring him pagan ghost stones from the mouths of old wives."

  “‘我们Hernystiri民族的人’”Pryrates嘲弄的声音撕破了宁静,带着阴间炙烤。“‘我们Hernystiri民族的人’我们尊贵的异教徒朋友声称要坦白地说!”Pryrates 在他不适于教士所穿的红色外衣的前胸,夸张地画了一个树的手势。Elias现出诡秘的高兴的表情。“太好了!”神父接着说。“他给了我们最坦白的谈话,里面是一堆谜语和遮遮掩掩的话。‘巨人和精灵’。”Pryrates摆了摆手,袖子在餐盘上飘动。“象是我们伟大的国王什么都不担心——他弟弟失踪了,他的下属又饿又怕——似乎国王伟大的心还没有到几近破碎的地步。而你, Eolair,你却告诉国王,那些老妇人们的嘴里说的,那些异教徒的神出鬼没的石头的传闻。”

    "He be pagan, yes," growled Isgrimnur, "but there be more Aedomte good will in Eolair than in the pack of lazy pups I have seen lolling around this court..."—Baron Heahferth barked, drawing drunken laughter from Godwig—"lolling around while the people have been living on meager hope and less harvest!"

  “他是个异教徒,不错,” Isgrimnur咆哮着,“但Eolair有许多Aedomte的好意,比我在这个朝廷所看到的,那一群懒洋洋的的小狗们要好得多……”——Heahferth男爵叫了起来,引出Godwig喝醉了的大笑声——“在这朝廷里懒洋洋地什么也不做,而人们已经在几乎没有希望、没有多少收成的情况下生活着!”

    "It's all right then, Isgrimnur," said Eolair wearily.


    "My lords!" Fluiren flapped.


    "Well, I will not hear you insulted so for your honesty!" Isgrimnur rumbled at Eolair. He lifted his fist to hammer the table again, then thought better of it, bunging it instead to his breast, where it enfolded the wooden Tree hanging there. "Forgive my outburst, my king, but Count Eolair tells the truth. Whether their fears have substance or no, the people do fear."


    "And what do they fear, dear old Uncle Bear-skin?" asked the king as he held his goblet for Guthwulf to refill.


    "They fear the dark," the old man said, all dignity now. "They fear the winter's dark, and they fear the world will grow darker still"


    Eolair turned his empty cup upside-down on the table. "In Erchester's market the few merchants who have been able to come south fill the people's ears with news of a strange vision. I have heard the same story so many times that I do not doubt everyone in the town has heard it, too." Eolair paused and looked at the Rimmersman, who nodded once, gravely, creasing the gray-shot beard.


    "Well," said Elias impatiently.

  “怎么,” Elias不耐烦地说。

    "In the Frostmarch wastes at night, a wonderful thing has been seen—a cart, a black cart, drawn by white horses."


    "How unusual'" Guthwulf sneered, but Pryrates and Elias locked eyes of a sudden. The king raised an eyebrow as he rechanneled his gaze to the westerner.


    "Go on "


    "Those who have seen it say it appeared a few days after All Fools' Day. They say the can bears a casket, and that black-robed monks walk behind it."


    "And to what heathen nature-sprite do the peasants attribute this vision?" Elias leaned slowly backward in his chair, until he was looking down the bridge of his nose at the Hernystirman.

  “那些农民们,对他们看到的这异教徒的自然界的鬼怪,有什么看法?” Elias慢慢把身子靠回到椅子里,直到他的目光朝下看着鼻梁,从余光中看着这个Hernystirman人。

    "They say, my king, that it is your father's death-cart—begging your pardon, sire—and that as long as the land suffers, he shall not sleep peacefully in his barrow."


    After an interval the king spoke, his voice barely louder than the hissing of the torches.


    "Well, then," he said, "we will have to make sure my father gets his well-earned rest, will we not?"



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