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急需中英文版的成语故事 !!!

发布于:2024-03-18 作者:admin123 阅读:77

  Is better late than never

This story stems from "the chankuots'e"。 The Warring States time, Chu country has a minister, famous auction house Xin, one day said to Chu Xiangwang:

"You inside palace time, left side is the state marquis, right side is the xiahou; Exits, yenling Mr。

   and long-lived always along with looked with Mr。

You。 You are fastidious specially with these four people the luxurious obscene music, no matter national affairs, ying (Chu all, north now Hubei Province river Ling Xian) one

Decides wants the danger!"

Assisted the king to listen, very much not high with, the gas 骂道: "You old have been muddled? Said intentionally these dangerous speeches mislead the public?"

Zhuang Xin's unhurriedly reply said that, "I really felt the matter certainly needs to this situation, not to dare to say intentionally Chu country has assorted

Is unfortunate。

   If your favor and trust this person, Chu country certainly must perish continuously。 You since do not believe my speech, please permit me to the Zhao country

Hides, actually watches the matter to be able how。

Zhuang Xin Daozhao the country only then lived for five months, Qin has really dispatched troops to invade Chu, assists the king to be compelled to go into exile to Yangcheng (west now Henan Sihsien


   Thought now at last Zhuang Xin's speech is good, hurries to send the human to come back Zhuang Xin Zhao, to ask he has any means; Zhuang Xin very sincerely said that,

"I had heard, sees the rabbit tooth to remember the hunting dog, this is not late; The sheep ran away has only then made up the sheepfold, also not late。

急需中英文版的成语故事 !!!

This is one then has the significance very much the story, only knows leads a life of comfort, did not know how works, its result inevitably encounters pitiful losing

Defeat without doubt。

"Is better late than never" this idiom, then is but comes approximately according to the above two speeches, the expression processing matter has after the mistake, if hurries to save, but also not for late meaning。

   For example a man of affairs, because the estimate matter development made a mistake, lightly lifts braves

Enters, falls into the defeat region。

   But he is not discouraged, patiently again had thought the matter, absorbs from this mistake teaches

Teaches, thought "is better late than never", starts over from the beginning, but also does not calculate late!。


标签: #史记 #成语故事 #事中 #公有 #里边


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